Thursday 27 November 2008

All Men Are Bastards : Discuss

It is a salient lesson to learn that blokes are all, by default, bastards. Some don't mean to be, some set out to be exactly that & some teeter on the fence before falling into the 'B' pit that is conveniently located on both sides. So gentlemen, before you get out of your prams & rail against such a slanderous accusation, remember you're screwed before you open your mouths & we'll all save ourselves a fortnight. No-one is gonna thank you for being considerate & neither will they thank you for being an arsehole. It's a tightrope you'll walk for the rest of your life. Deal with it & shut the fuck up...

Ms W very sweetly 'left her phone running' last night at a Sebastian Horsley spoken word thing somewhere in London town (apparently I live there but I've seen scant evidence of this as of yet) & it got me thinking as I sat in pyjamas in my latest digs. Mr H has somehow managed to embrace his bastardhood & make himself popular into the bargain. Bill Hicks did the same. And the 'nice' ones, the Hugh Grants of this world, are also bastards (at least I think he is, judge for yourselves). Do you see where this is going? Probably Rome, & all roads lead there. If I had more time I'd prove it to you with bits of sellotape & graph paper but as I'm in a pub with the worst wireless in the West I'm not going to bother. Instead I'll go back, have a raw cauliflower & one third of a bottle of red wine for my dinner & pretend what's in here makes enough sense to publish. Which it does not...


BPP said...

I'd say of the seven or eight people who've heard of spoilt brat Sebastian Horsley, most would disagree with the view that he's made himself popular by being a bastard. Pointing out how flamboyant you are by dressing up like Ken Dodd on daddy's money makes you a depsied TWAT in most folks' eyes, not popular with them. And nailing yourself to a cross then falling off in a comical fashion turns you into a ridculous figure of fun, not a cool man-about-town. Spending thirty years spouting on about what a libertine you are because you take drugs and fuck prostitutes (on daddy's money) doesn't instantly qualify you to be one. It in fact makes you a 'look at me, me, me', attention-seeking posh twit with an inferiority complex. Talentless, fuckwitted buffoon who spends his entire life terrified that his wafer-thin personality will be seen for what it is - a sham.

There. Glad I've got that off m'chest.

eggstationzebra said...

Come down off the fence, Perry & tell us what you really think. It's precisely this sort of flim-flam that got our great country up the duff in the 1970's & paved the way for Thatcher..

Valentine Suicide said...

Ha! I don't actually know who he is. I'm not sure if that's a reflection on him, or me?

Welcome back, Mr Stationzebra.

eggstationzebra said...

Hi & thanks, Valentine. I've just got in from a gruelling week in the field & I'm having to listen to my flatmate & my Aussie chum's *favourite* gay husband shite chat in the other room. They're talking about menus, for fucks sake. MENUS? Do me a favour, raw cauliflower & wine (one third bottle) does not constitute a menu. Eat & drink what fits in & shut the fuck up PERLEEEASE. As we all know food is petrol & all we need to know is the price on point of purchase. A menu suggests choice which is obviously a nonsense. And gay husbands ? I rest my case....

MaxGirl said...

You seem to really hate yourself. Cheer up!

eggstationzebra said...

True, I do hate myself MG, but not in that way...

MaxGirl said...

Wow, you are a man of mystery! ;-)