Friday 3 October 2008

It's done (sort of)

I got fed up formatting & then writing on catch-up. So I just posted the bloody thing & hang the consequences. I'll be speaking to Apple about those links, vile, disobedient thugs that they are. Needless to say there is little content other than that already written but to make up for it there are photos of senseless violence, graphic representations of the appalling slave-like conditions children are forced to work in to bring fashion to the High Streets of Britain, and pets. If these don't suck you in you are either German or dead. There, I said it...

Sleep tight x


Valentine Suicide said...

Looks hot where you are ESZ? What are you doing out there?

eggstationzebra said...

Valentine! Still alive I see! I'm working in a tomb called Menna in the Valley of the Nobles, Luxor. Some (French) conservators covered the walls in varnish in the 60's & I have to take it off again (short version). And ride about on camels a bit. And drink beer. And that. What are the chances..? (& bizarrely my word verification for this post is forjism)

Valentine Suicide said...

I survived both Perry's meglomania AND Clair's norks.

Cleaning up after some pesky French got over enthusiastic with the Ronseal, eh? Sounds better than working down a coal-mine. Or being Naomi Campbells PA?

eggstationzebra said...

I'd do the Campbell gig in a shot. Got any Valium..?

Clair said...
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